There are many WordPress apps for iOS available in the market, as the WordPress get popular among the mobile technology. But there are very few Android apps out there for WordPress. I tried to find just very few Android apps for WordPress. Then I came to know the reason behind this, which java errors. When you try to connect to the self-hosted WordPress site, it will give you java socket errors. If in case you got success in installation then again some errors may appear while publishing the post.
Anyways I have hunt following few good Android apps. Although there are more apps available, those are not worth to include in the list. If you know, any good Android apps for WordPress do inform us in the comments section below.
WordPress for Android
This is what you need to run WordPress from Automattic. WordPress for Android is an Open Source app that empowers you to write new posts, edit content, and manage comments with built-in notifications. Download it now and get blogging in no time.
PostBot is an open-source WordPress client, and It also supports multiple images in a post with thumbnail previews, you can share images directly from Camera and Picture apps, can edit existing posts, save drafts locally, add categories to a blog, and multiple blogs.
WP Stats
Easy and fast access to your WordPress traffic statistics!
Watch your live WordPress blog traffic stats (charts, page views, referrers, search engine terms & clicks) collected by “ Stats” plugin (self-hosted & blogs).
Much faster and comfortable way for loading stats than a mobile web browser!
To use this app, you will need your free API key!
Express App
Express is an iPhone app built to quickly and effortlessly publish images/links/notes and short posts, on the go, to your eCommerce WooThemes powered WordPress website.
If you need any help regarding WordPress Android apps, must visit this forum: Android Forums.
Premium Android Apps
1. CleanSale – WordPress eCommerce Theme
The CleanSale WordPress eCommerce theme is born out of the need to allow merchants the opportunity to list their products and start selling without any barriers in layout or design. To make it simple for their vast collection to stand out and be easy for customers to search and view no matter whether they were using a computer or mobile device.
2. My Mobile Page V2 WordPress Theme
My Mobile Page V2 WordPress Theme is a unique WordPress mobile theme with some amazing new features, 100% customizable, fluid layout, automatically resized to every mobile resolution, auto device orientation resizable, custom admin panel.
3. Tablet Commercial
The detail and Live Video Preview
4. Android Uploader for Amazon S3
The Android Uploader for Amazon S3 provides code for a Service that uploads files to Amazon S3 buckets.
Developers can quickly add the upload component to their applications by following the included instructions.
Knowledge of Amazon S3 is required. You need to know basic S3 functionality, such as how to create buckets and bucket policies.
Works with Android API Levels 4+
5. Android Startup Application
Dimovdaniel has made Android Startup application (ASA) to help developers skip common Android development problems. I incorporated part of my Android knowledge to solve this everyday problem.
- How to use the new Facebook SSO
- Implementation (find the correct hash)
- Access Token reuse
- Avoid user re-authentication
- Load JSON data from external server
- Parse that data with already available methods from the Facebook SDK
- Load that data asynchronously
- Load image from external server
- Load image from external server
- Without reloading
- Using local cache
- Using Google Maps
- Display multiple Items with different icon
- Make Android gallery from external images
- Using the network and GPS provide to find current user location
- iPhone style TabHost navigator (using radio buttons)
- Use Android Preferences to store user data
- And some other features and functions you find useful
6. Android Share Social Network plugin
This project is a plugin for sharing on social network. It allows you to share on Facebook, Twitter, email, and SMS.
7. Android Map Geolocation
This project gives you the ability to use a map geolocation which shows your current position and some others fixed in an XML file. It also allows you to annotate your map overlay items with an information bubble and gives you the ability to navigate to your annotation activity detail.
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