How to turn your WordPress installation into a high selling machine

Converting WordPress into a high-selling machine is not a new thing. Rather, people are using various e-commerce plugins to convert WordPress into a selling machine. However, using plugins is not enough when you want to groom up your WordPress site as a top-flight salesperson. Here in this blog, we will discuss how several off-page and on-page techniques can make your site a good salesperson.

Make your WordPress a Top-Flight Salesperson

WordPress top seller

A top-flight salesperson is treasured by every company. If you have a WordPress website, you can certainly make your own “salesperson.” Your website could be the salesperson for 24/7. It can engage your potential customers with more information about products or services. It can build trust, create a relationship with the visitors, and motivate them to select and buy any products.

But, is it really meeting your expectations? In short, is it merely helping your potential customers but not driving them psychologically to buy a product? Is it selling products from the store but not as efficient as you wished to be?

If the answer is “Yes,” then your website is not an automated selling machine. Here we are presenting step by step solution to convert your website into an automated selling machine.

Determine the USP or Unique Selling Point

Before you start stepping in to convert your website to an automated selling machine, you need to define the “USP” or Unique Selling Point of your business. What is USP?

It is a simple logic that if you are buying any product from any source (local store or online store), there must be a reason for selecting that particular seller. Maybe you like the features or looks of the store; maybe the products come at a cheaper price or the high product quality. This particular reason could be marked as USP.

So, before converting your website into a high selling machine, you have figure out the “USP.” The next strategies will be developed based on this USP.

Step 1: Promote Your USP like anything (social media)

promote your blog

The first step should be developing a unique marketing strategy, and you need to put USP in the loop. You have to promote your USP like anything to grab the attention of maximum potential buyers. Put your USP on the header, and WordPress is just the perfect place. WordPress support services are also used to create an attractive heading. USP can also be promoted in the body content, but be careful of using overrated keywords. Besides, you can create a “main message with the USP” and put it on the home page.

Step 2: Be Specific About What You Sell

Helping customers with sufficient information is good. However, you have to make sure that the product descriptions are not overloaded with unnecessary information. The seller has to be very precise and to the point when describing a product. Bullet points and bold highlights could be used to earn the attention of the viewers.

Always answer the buyer queries. It is easy to hire a VA and offer 24/7 customer support. Always remember that we belong to the oligopoly market, which is driven by the buyers. Hence, facilities like good customer support, easy checkout, and enrich-comparative product information/reviews do matter in terms of attracting potential customers. Don’t forget that you have access to hundreds of plugins that could be used for this purpose.

Step 3: Help the Customers In Advance

help customers

Always help your customers before they start thinking of queries. But how? For this, you have to dedicate a page for FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions. The FAQ section should consist of 10 to 12 relevant questions that frequently arise while dealing with any e-commerce site. You can either create a separate page for the FAQ section or add this part under any service page.

If you feel troubled to decide which types of questions and answers are “ideal’ for FAQ, we will advise you to take inspiration from the big boys, such as Amazon, McDonald’s, e-bay, etc. It is noticed that people can relate to the question and answer format easily. Hence, create short and questions with simple answers and appropriate links.

Step 4: Optimize Your Website from the Beginning

Success in search engine optimization means success in reaching maximum potential customers. If you start building a WordPress site in favor of SEO from the first day, it will be the best move for your business. According to research, more than 55% of business persons are not familiar with SEO. With WordPress, you can use a number of plugins that can offer you certain SEO advantages.

Step 5: Focus on Web Designing

Focus on webdesigning

Web designing plays a crucial role when you are thinking of building an automated salesperson. Your site should have a modern and cut edge look to impress the users. You can see, the e-commerce field is highly competitive. To stand out from the competition, you have to consider UX with extra priority. With WordPress, you can use the WooCommerce plugin to design and develop the site and use hundreds of themes to improve it.

Step 6: Add Product Videos

Informing customers and engaging them with your site is important. For this purpose, we highly recommend the use of Product Videos. Product videos are short and made in such a way that they usually lure customers. If you want to promote certain products or want to increase the sale of products, short videos can help you a lot. Use product videos on the top of the home page along with unique and reasonable content. If you have offers on certain products, tag them on the page header.

Step 7: Customer Support

Customer service is very much important for an automated selling machine. In terms of the improvement of selling efficiency, build well-structured customer support. You can use VA support for this purpose. Many WordPress care plans come with VA assistants at a reasonable price. The VA supports tracks and informs customers about the shipping time and price, along with answering their feedback.

Five Best WordPress Plugins for E-commerce

WordPress is an efficient content management system that offers freedom of creating a blog site to develop a large e-commerce site. When you intend to build an e-commerce site with WordPress and convert it into a high selling machine, you have to select your “preferred” e-commerce plugin wisely. Here is a list of widely popular and useful plugins that you can certainly try:

  1. WooCommerce

It is a free e-commerce plugin that empowers you to sell anything and everything. This A-grade plugin now used by 30% of all online stores. This plugin is built and maintained by Automattic. Besides, they have a greater community, always ready to help.

  1. WP e-commerce
wp ecommerce

This plugin was launched in 2006 and gained its popularity within the next few years. If you want to sell physical inventory or digital downloads, you are only one step away from the new level of e-business. The part best is, it offers free SSL and dozens of payment gateways.

  1. MarketPress

With 15 payment gateways, MarketPress is now one of the most favorite e-commerce plugins. It comes in both a premium and a free version. It offers unlimited product variations along with coupons and discounts. You will be powered with the AJEX cart and cart widget.

  1. Jigshop eCommerce

This open-source software is the advanced version of Jigshop, which is developed by Jigshop Limited. With Jigshop, you will have complete control in your store or e-commerce shop. It takes minimum set up time and has various payment gateways.

  1. Cart66 Cloud


Cart66 Cloud is developed by Reality66. It is a sophisticated and secure approach to WordPress e-commerce. The best part is, that this plugin takes care of security responsibly and frees you to think only about business.


WordPress gives wings to your business. It is easier to convert WordPress into an automated salesperson by all means. It is always easy to manage WordPress and use highly sophisticated themes to achieve a great look for the gallery. With WordPress, you can decorate your store the way you want it. Throughout this blog, we offer 7 easy steps to convert WordPress into your automated salesperson. I hope it will help you. Stay tuned for more related posts.

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Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff at WPArena is a team of WordPress experts led by Jazib Zaman. Page maintained by Jazib Zaman.


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