20+ Best WordPress Email List Building Plugins

Every blogger wants to get more targetted traffic and repeat visitors/customers.  Even those Website owners who have eCommerce websites powered by WordPress wants to increase their sale by generating more traffic.  As well, for email marketing, every site owner wants to increase their subscriber’s list. In all above scenarios, if you are using WordPress then there are Free WordPress Email List building plugins, which can help you to achieve your goals. List building is the process of adding new subscribers to your email mailing list. These plugins are very easy to implement and use on your site and one can run unlimited campaigns in a single installation.

Best WordPress Email Listing Building Plugins

In the following list, there are best free WordPress Email List Building plugins which will help you to increase the number of your newsletter subscribers and gain return visitors.

1. OptinMonster

Optinmonster is far way considered as the best Email subscription plugin. It is packed with a lot of features and thus ranked as No.1. The Plugin is premium one but little expensive.

2. ConvertPlug

ConvertPlug is a direct competitor of Optinmonster and in no way less than it. However, the only plus point over OptinMonster is ConvertPlug’s Pricing policy. You just have to pay once and enjoy the updates forever. Here is a detailed review of ConvertPlug Plugin.

3. MailOptin

MailOptin is one of the top-ranked WordPress plugin that will help you to automate email lead generation easily. It integrates with all the major email service providers. Read MailOptin in-depth review here.

4. WP GetResponse

Uses the GetResponse JSON API ( no iFrames ) to add contacts to your specific campaigns automatically from your site.

Footer Slideup Form is one of the best ways to ask your user to subscribe to your list without any interruption or blocking and this plugin does exactly that. It adds GetResponse subscribe form in the footer of your WordPress blog. GetResponse (Aff Link) is an autoresponder which allows you to send series of an email message to subscribers.

This plugin is only for GetResponse form and for AWeber please use AWeber Footer SlideUp form plugin.

6. G Power Plus List Building Plugin

G Power Plus Plugin is part of G Power Plus list building app. This plugin adds a customized link to posts, sidebar & footer to turn Google plus one into subscribers OR you can ask your users to SIGN IN with their Google OR Google Apps account for a bonus report or anything & in the background they will be automatically subscribed to your list. Supports Aweber, GetResponse, iContact, ImnicaMail & TrafficWave autoresponders.

7. Generate Box

The plugin adds more functionality to the StudioPress Generate Child Theme.
This plugin is a very handy tool for Generate Child Theme users, it allows you to display the Generate Box on the front-page, homepage, single posts, and everywhere. It also has an option to switch between different color schemes with only a few clicks.

8. WP Opt-in

This plugin can be used to send an e-mail to users. The front side of the ‘WP Opt-in’ plugin is a simple form with an e-mail input field and a submit button. By entering an e-mail address into the field and pressing submit, an e-mail is sent automatically to the specified address.

9. WP Slide-In

This plugin may not be 100% compatible with all WordPress themes or every possible browser out there. Generally speaking, though, it works very well with MOST themes and most browsers.

The WP Slide In WordPress plugin allows you to create eye-catching opt-in banners that stick to the base of your blog and virtually
attract your blog visitors to subscribe to your mailing list! You can load up as many Slide Ins as you want and you can customize where they enter from.

10. WordPress Mailing List Builder

This plugin allows you to easily insert GetResponse subscription forms into your WordPress content. You simply type in [mlb /] But you can also specify a Call to Action by doing[mlb]Subscribe to Receive More Cool Articles About This Topic[/mlb].

11. MailChimp Comments

MailChimp Comments
MailChimp Comments

MailChimp Comments is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to subscribe commentators of your posts/pages via MailChimp. When a users comment something on your website, they are immediately added to your email subscription list. You can configure the plugin with respect to your users to avoid any mailing violations (spam). MailChimp Comments is a perfect way to build a list of your commentators.

12. SubscribeTo Plugin

SubscribeTo is a poweful plugin to increase your lead generation. You can place your MailChimp or Constant Contact email subscribes form easily using SubscribeTo.

13. WordPress Email Newsletter Plugin

The email newsletter plugin is an advanced bulk emailer designed especially for WordPress 3. It is very easy to use and feature rich. Heaps of features which allow you to quickly send professional newsletters to your existing WordPress user database.

14. AJDE Newsletter subscription form – WP Plugin

Easy newsletter signup form that runs from WordPress and store data to WordPress database. Also allow bulk emailing to the subscribers email list. This form uses real-time AJAX for form submission that makes subscriptions so easy for users. You can customize almost everything about this form very easily from the back-end.

15. Newsletter Tycoon

This plugin allows users to subscribe and receive a newsletter containing the blog latest posts. The newsletter subscription system features a double opt-in system, with email confirmation. Administrators can also activate subscribers.

16. Subscribe Popup

Subscribe Popup
Subscribe Popup

17. Subscribe Popup

is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to add a highly customizable subscribe popup box to your blog or website. Once raised popup box asks visitors to submit their name and e-mail. These data is saved in database or submitted to MailChimp newsletter system. All saved data can be exported as CSV file to be used with any other newsletter systems. Subscribe Popup is a perfect way to extend functionality of your website.

18. Facebook Subscribe for WordPress

Facebook Subscribe for WordPress
Facebook Subscribe for WordPress

Facebook Subscribe for WordPress brings you full control and support of Facebook’s New Subscribe Button social plugin. FB Sub for WordPress is the only plugin offering full shortcode + template tag support for WordPress.

19. Subscribe to Download for WordPress

Subscribe to Download for WordPress
Subscribe to Download for WordPress

Subscribe to Download for WordPress makes it super easy to add a cool freebie download system to your site, just like the popular resource site PremiumPixels and the new freebie section on tyler.tc. Subscribe to Download not only handles all of the emails and verification, it also has a list manager that can be exported with one click to any popular mail service.

20. WooCommerce MailChimp Subscribe – WordPress Plugin

WooCommerce MailChimp Subscribe - WordPress Plugin
WooCommerce MailChimp Subscribe – WordPress Plugin

The SeedProd WooCommerce MailChimp Subscribe WordPress plugin displays a newsletter signup checkbox on checkout for WooCommerce integrated with MailChimp. Also includes a MailChimp List Health Dashboard Widget.

21. Subscriber Traffic Pop for WordPress

Subscriber Traffic Pop for WordPress takes the original jQuery version and puts it on steroids to create an awesome list building tool. Turn your traffic into an email list generating army by utilizing the Traffic Pop™ base as a way to generate tons of highly profitable email leads quickly and easily!

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article are affiliate links and we may earn a small commission if you make a purchase, which helps us to keep delivering quality content to you. Here is our disclosure policy.

Noor Mustafa Raza
Noor Mustafa Raza
I am a WordPress Developer and Designer, author @WPArena. I am providing Free WordPress consultation and can help you to install WordPress in a secure way to small businesses and bloggers.


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