How To Install Google Analytics in WordPress For Beginners

The most successful businesses keep themselves updated with the data of their market campaigns. When tracking visitors and analyzing visitor trends on your website, Installing Google Analytics in WordPress is essential for anyone running an online business.

Installation of Google Analytics in WordPress

As someone who’s set up GA in various WordPress websites, We have found this integration essential for tracking visitors measuring website traffic, and obtaining detailed insights into user behaviour.

Implementing Google Analytics 4 on WordPress

Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the newest version since 1st July 2023, after universal analytics was phased out, GA4 presents a more dynamic framework for web traffic analysis parameters.

For the best WordPress hosting, the integration process involves a few specific steps to ensure exemplary performance results. First, select a popular tool or plugin that facilitates the integration, such as ‘MonsterInsights’, widely recognized for its ease of use and advanced features.

Configuring Google Analytics for Optimal Data Collection

Once installed, configure your GA4 to track visitors and segment reports efficiently. This setup is critical for marketing campaigns, helping effectively target your leads and website visitors.

Adjust your settings to track page views, engagement time on pages, bounce rate, and traffic sources. This allows for enhanced traffic source insights, which are instrumental in refining your marketing campaigns and focusing on your targets.

Analyzing Traffic and Visitor Behavior

You can have access to a complete dashboard with GA4, where you can analyze visitors’ behaviors and favorites. This data is fundamental for any online business targeting to optimize its marketing campaigns and grow the number of leads and conversions.

Once you understand visitor trends, such as where they come from and what content keeps them engaged, you can make your strategies for better targeting and results.

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Google Analytics Account Setup

Google Analytics 4 setting up and running on your WordPress site is less about tech-savviness and more about following a few straightforward steps.

Whether you’re jazzing up a blog or boosting a WooCommerce store, integrating Google Analytics shouldn’t be a headache. Here’s a laid-back, no-fuss guide to making your site a data-oriented powerhouse.

  • Log Into Google Analytics: Just search in your browser and use your Google account to log in.
Log Into Google Analytics
  • Start Account Setup: Press the Start button. Fill in your details like name, email address, password, date of birth, mobile number, and location using your Gmail account credentials.
Start Account Setup
  • Configure Account Data Sharing: On the Account Setup screen, select your desired Account Data Sharing options.
Configure Account Data Sharing
  • Set Property Details: Input your account name and adjust settings for reporting time zone and currency on the property setup screen.
Set Property Details
  • Fill Business Form: Complete the Business details form by selecting your industry category, noting your business size, and detailing your intent with Google Analytics.
Fill Business Form
  • Create Data Stream: Select the Web as your preferred platform on the Create Stream button, then enter your Website URL and Stream name.
Create Data Stream
  • Install Google Tag: Copy the Google Tag from the Web Stream Details screen and install it on your WordPress site.
Install Google Tag
  • Verify Installation: Use the View Tag Instructions button on your CMS to confirm the tag is tracking data correctly, then explore the Analytics dashboard.
Verify Installation 1

And just like that, you’ve bridged your WordPress site with the most powerful analytics tool available. Now sit back, let the data roll in, and start making smarter decisions that drive your site forward. It’s all about turning insights into action.

Methods to Install Google Analytics in WordPress

There are a few different ways to set up Google Analytics in WordPress. When setting up Google Analytics in WordPress, you have three methods to choose from. Beginners often find the first option the easiest as it involves using a plugin to simplify integration. If you are seeking more control, the last method is the hardest, involving manual code adjustments.

Note: You should avoid double-tracking pageviews to maintain accurate data analytics for your website. Use only one method.

Method 1: Setting Up Google Analytics Using a Plugin

Google Analytics using a plugin takes a few steps. The first step is to access the admin panel of your WordPress and search for a Google Analytics plugin like “Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights or Jetpack.” Install any plugin and activate the plugin.

After activation, move to the plugin’s settings page, where you need to input your Google Analytics tracking ID. The next step is to configure any additional settings required. The plugin automatically embeds the Google Analytics tracking code throughout your website, permitting you to start collecting data on visitors without changing your site’s code directly.

Steps to set up Google Analytics using a plugin:

  • Log in to your WordPress admin panel and install the Google Analytics plugin.
Log in to your WordPress admin panel and install the Google Analytics plugin
  • Activate the plugin and go to its settings to write your Google Analytics tracking ID.
Activate the plugin and go to its settings to write your Google Analytics tracking ID
  • Change the settings according to your requirements, and the plugin will handle integrated tracking code to start data collection.
Change the settings according to your requirements and the plugin will handle integrated tracking code to start data collection

Method 2: Manual Installation of Google Analytics

You can also set up Google Analytics manually. To manually install Google Analytics 4 (GA4) on your website, start by creating and configuring a GA4 property. This includes getting a tracking code and integrating it directly into the HTML of your site. Testing the setup makes sure that data collection starts smoothly.

Steps for manual installation of GA4:

  • Go to the Admin tab in your Google Analytics dashboard.
Go to the Admin tab in your Google Analytics dashboard
  • Select your account and the Universal Analytics property you want to upgrade.
Select your account and the Universal Analytics property you want to upgrade
  • Click on GA4 Setup Assistant in the Property menu.
Click on GA4 Setup Assistant in the Property menu
  • Choose to Get Started under “Create a new Google Analytics 4 Property.”
Choose to Get Started under Create a new Google Analytics 4 Property
  • Select “Enable data collection using existing tags” if you use gtag.js.
Select Enable data collection using existing tags if you use gtag
  • If no existing tags are found, select to add the new tag manually.
If no existing tags are found select to add the new tag manually
  • Click Create Property.
Click Create Property
  • Under Data Collection and Modification, go to Data Streams in Admin.
Under Data Collection and Modification go to Data Streams in Admin
  • Select Web and then click on your website’s data stream.
Select Web and then click on your websites data stream
  • Choose View tag instructions under Google tag.
Choose View tag instructions under Google tag
  • On the Installation instructions page, select Install manually.
On the Installation instructions page select Install manually
  • Copy the given tracking code.
Copy the given tracking code
  • Open your website’s HTML file and paste the tracking code before the closing tag on every page you want to track.
Open your websites HTML file and paste the tracking code before the closing tag on every page you want to track
  • Confirm the setup by checking data reception in your GA4 account.
Confirm the setup by checking data reception in your GA4 account
  • For CMS users, access the HTML via your content management system or apply the code to a template file for site-wide implementation.
For CMS users access the HTML via your content management system or apply the code to a template file for site wide implementation

Also Read: How to Fix WordPress Plugin Request Time Out Error

    Method 3: Install Google Analytics in WordPress Theme

    This method is for advanced users who know well the codes. Manually adding code to WordPress files offers them a reliable way to integrate Google Analytics without depending on plugins, which can sometimes be unreliable.

    Code can disappear when you switch or update your theme; hence, it’s advisable to copy and paste the code snippets carefully. We recommend this method especially if it’s your first time installing manually.

    Simply copy the Google Analytics tracking code from the Web Stream Installation section of your account, and paste it into the WordPress theme files.

    This guide provides a step-by-step approach, often seen as one of the most common ways to add the code.

    1. Add Code in header.php File

    Simply access the header.php file within your WordPress theme and insert the Google Analytics tracking code you copied earlier, just after the <body> tag.

    Make sure to save your modifications and re-upload the file to your server.

    2. Add via Functions File

    An alternative method to integrate Google Analytics is by adding the tracking code to your WordPress functions file. This will make sure the tracking code is automatically included on every page of your WordPress site.

    You’ll need to insert the following snippet into your theme’s functions.php file:

    1.  <?php

    2.  add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘wpb_add_googleanalytics’);

    3.  function wpb_add_googleanalytics() { ?> 

    4.    // Replace this comment with your Google Analytics tracking code from Step 4

    5.  <?php } ?>

    Do not forget to replace the placeholder comment in the snippet with your actual Google Analytics tracking code from Step 4.

    Verifying Google Analytics Installation

    Multiple methods are available to verify the installation of Google Analytics on your website. Each method provides a way to check that Google Analytics is properly capturing and reporting your website data.

    Verification methods include:

    1. Analytics Dashboard: Firstly, you need to access your Google Analytics dashboard to watch incoming data. If the installation is properly configured, you should see user data appearing within 24–48 hours of setup.
    Analytics Dashboard
    1. Google Analytics Debugger: You can implement the debug version of the analytics.js library. This tool helps find and troubleshoot any issues, verifying that Google Analytics is collecting data correctly.
    Google Analytics Debugger
    1. Browser’s Developer Tools: You can use your browser’s developer tools by clicking the Network tab. This area shows all network requests from your site, including those sent to Google Analytics, confirming that data is being transmitted.
    Browsers Developer Tools
    1. Google Tag Assistant: You can install the Google Tag Assistant extension in your browser. Open your site, click the extension icon, and reload the page; a green icon signals a properly installed tracking code.
    Google Tag Assistant
    1. Check Google Tag Manager Setup: You can verify your Google Tag Manager is correctly configured by checking that it sends precise data to your Google Analytics account. This setup is essential for managing multiple tracking scripts proficiently.
    Check Google Tag Manager Setup
    1. Tag Verification Tools: You can use tools like TAGLAB Chrome Debugger to execute real-time debugging of your Google Analytics tags. These tools deliver instant feedback on the functionality of your tags.
    Tag Verification Tools
    1. HTML Verification File: You can use a specific HTML verification file provided by Google to verify your tracking code installation. This method ensures your site’s code interacts correctly with Google services.
    HTML Verification File

    Ghostery Tool: You can employ the Ghostery browser tool to detect active instances of Google Analytics on your site. This confirms that your analytics tracking is active and collecting data.

    Ghostery Tool

    Additional Google Analytics Setup

    There are some additional settings too, you should apply them. When setting up Google Analytics, consider these additional steps to improve your tracking and data precision:

    1. Set Up Goals: You can set up specific goals in Google Analytics to track conversions or important interactions on your site. This process helps you to watch the efficiency of your content and campaigns.
    2. Configure Filters: Another setting you can apply is to use filters to exclude internal traffic and refine the data that Google Analytics collects. This setting shows your reports present the activity of actual visitors, not your team.
    3. Link to Google Ads: You can connect your Google Analytics to your Google Ads account. This link increases your ability to track the performance of your paid search campaigns directly within your analytics reports.
    4. Set Up Site Search: Allowing site search tracking in Google Analytics to examine what visitors are searching for on your site is another important setting to apply. Understanding these queries can guide content creation and website improvements.
    5. Use Custom Dimensions and Metrics: You can implement custom dimensions and metrics to collect specific data that Google Analytics does not automatically track. This customization allows for deeper tracking of user behavior.
    6. Monitor Updated Reports: Watch out for the updated and actual reports to see active users on your site. This feature is vital for monitoring live campaigns and understanding immediate user responses.
    7. Schedule Regular Reports: You can set up automated reporting to receive data directly in your inbox. Regular reports save time and provide consistent updates on your site’s performance.
    8. Implement Enhanced E-commerce Tracking: If you run an e-commerce site, use enhanced e-commerce tracking for detailed information about shopper behavior and sales performance. This setup offers valuable data to optimize your sales strategy.

    Troubleshooting Common Issues

    You can face certain issues while setting up Google Analytics for your website. Here are a few troubleshooting points for your Google Analytics issues, focus on these key aspects to resolve the problem:

    1. Code Placement Verification: Please make sure the Google Analytics tracking code is correctly placed within the <head> section of every page.
    2. Error Inspection: You should use browser developer tools to check for JavaScript errors that could affect Google Analytics.
    3. Account and Property Settings Review: You should check that you are analyzing data from the correct Google Analytics account and property.
    4. Ad Blockers Check: Most users use ad blockers while surfing the search engine. Please watch out for users who disable adblockers to confirm if they are interfering with data collection.
    5. Event Tracking Review: You need to verify that custom events are configured to accurately track user interactions.
    6. User Identification Verification: Please check that user IDs are applied properly for reliable user behavior tracking across sessions.
    7. Data Filters Examination: You should assess any filters to double-check check they aren’t excluding vital information unintentionally.
    8. Script Conflicts Analysis: You can look for conflicts or errors with other JavaScript libraries that can interrupt Google Analytics.
    9. Script Loading Tests: You should perform experiments with the order of script loading in the <head> section to optimize data collection.
    10. E-commerce Tracking Implementation Review: You need to completely check setup instructions for specialized features like e-commerce tracking.
    11. Transaction Simulation: You should conduct test transactions to confirm that eCommerce tracking is working correctly.
    12. User Permissions Check: You should make sure the Google Analytics account user has proper access to view and alter settings.
    13. Data Sharing Review: You have to confirm that data sharing settings are properly configured for all intended users and platforms.
    14. GA4 Familiarization: If you are using Google Analytics 4, keep updating yourself with the new tracking code and features different from Universal Analytics.
    15. Website Builder Integration Check: If you are using website builders; you need to verify any built-in Google Analytics integration and follow platform-specific guidelines.
    16. Analytics Testing and Validation: Please monitor actual and current data regularly and review reports to find any discrepancies or issues in data reporting.


    Google Analytics installation with WordPress provides tangible benefits for any online business, from tracking visitor behavior to changing marketing strategies. This guide explains the step-by-step process into several methods, making sure that even beginners can successfully benefit from the power of Google Analytics to boost their website’s performance. Whether it is through plugins for ease of use or manual code insertion for those who prefer detailed control, the steps provide enough detailing that every WordPress user can effectively implement this essential tool. Moreover, users can collect accurate data and maximize their website’s potential by applying best practices for verification and troubleshooting.

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    Muhammad Saqib
    Muhammad Saqib
    Muhammad Saqib is a skilled content writer at WPArena, specializing in WordPress-related topics. He crafts insightful and strategic blogs that simplify complex concepts for readers, helping them enhance their WordPress experience.


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