Are You a Plugin Creator? Use this Free Tool to Get User Feedback

As WordPress plugin creator you’re interested in understanding who your end-users are, how they interact with your plugin, why they de-activate it and so on – so that you can further improve your plugin.

The challenge: you don’t have access to that data. Tracking users without their permission is against the WordPress Plugin guidelines and also developing such a feedback system is quite time-consuming.

Therefore we pleased to discover that, a marketplace for software codes, just released a tool which does exactly that – for free.

How Does It Work?

Integrating the feedback system is very easy: After logging in & going to Sellcodes’ WordPress feedback section you will see a screen like this:

A photo of integrating WhatsApp feedback section

Upload your latest plugin version there, specify the new version number, and add the new readme.txt. After click on “Start compiling!” the new plugin version will be created and automatically downloaded.

How Does It Look For End-users?

After activation (of your pimped plugin version) end-users will see a notification as follows:

WordPress plugin feedback system - Opt-in screen 2

If they agree, the following data will be collected:

  • Profile information: Email & name linked to the website where it’s installed
  • Site information: URL, PHP info, WP version, names of plugins & themes this site is using
  • Events: Activation & deactivation of the plugin

When users deactivate the plugin they will get asked for feedback:

WordPress plugin feedback system - Feedback questions

If options 2, 3 or 5 are selected the users will have the option to enter further information (for example what didn’t work exactly, or which another plugin they decided to use instead).

Viewing The Collected Data

In the Sellcodes area where you compiled your plugin, there is also a tab for “Collected data” where you’ll see how many users opted into the feedback system…

word image 30

…see charts with insightful data about your users….

word image 31

…and also download much more detailed reports (CSV) which list other collected information.


Collecting users’ feedback is crucial to further improve the plugin, and this tool seems to be a great way to achieve that. Also, as the users’ emails will be collected, you can inform them in case of important updates (e.g. newly discovered security vulnerabilities), or also for marketing purposes (such as upsells to your premium product).

The tool is in-line with the WP guidelines and currently offered for free.

For further information, read Sellcodes’ article on their WordPress Plugin feedback tool and share your thoughts below in the comments. Thank you!

If you’re a plugin creator, also read  How to Promote Your WordPress Plugins.

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article are affiliate links and we may earn a small commission if you make a purchase, which helps us to keep delivering quality content to you. Here is our disclosure policy.

Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff at WPArena is a team of WordPress experts led by Jazib Zaman. Page maintained by Jazib Zaman.


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