Running out of ideas or may be ambition I have found it more and more difficult to post regularly here on wparena. It has been well over two years now since first launching this site and I have learned quite a bit about WordPress since then. But now I seem to be running out of gas.
I started this site out of frustration when searching for answers to WordPress questions for another blog. The lack of simple explanations especially from a certain forum, that was supposed to offer WordPress help gave me the idea. Most of the answers I got took the basics for granted and glossed over the simple steps leading up to the final solution. So while they might have explained what to do I found that I needed to research several other steps or terms in order to get to the final solution. So as I learned how to use and customize WordPress I started posting, on a different blog, WordPress guides that most any newbie could use.
But now I am at the point that I am starting to become what I once was frustrated with; someone who doesn’t take the time to answer the questions the newbies have. Whether I am just getting lazy or losing interest I don’t know. I have had a lot of other things taking up my time and that too has kept me from posting regularly. Probably a combination of all of the above. I am even contemplating selling the site but really have no idea of it’s worth.
So this is where you come in. If you have questions that would be a possible post I welcome them in the comment section below. But PLEASE remember that this site is for the geek impaired so keep them somewhat simple. And please do not ask about theme specific tweaks, I will not post a guide for your particular theme. If I do use your question I will link to your WordPress site in the post, so leave a link to it.