Thanks Veterans

Thanks to all American and Allied Veterans who fought in all wars to protect freedom for us all.

thankyou veterans

I try not to get political here on WPArena to keep from offending anyone. But I will tell you that I have the utmost respect and reverence for all our veterans. My Grandfather fought in the first World War, and I know or knew many of the Greatest Generation that has fought in the second. I love to watch old movies on AMC and TCM and I just finished watching, for the 100th time, and if you have never seen The Longest Day, or don’t know what happened on the “Longest Day” then I suggest you educate yourself about the freedom you are enjoying. No matter what country you live in, chances are that the people that fought and died on that Longest Day and the days after, had something to do with the language you speak, the life you live and the freedom you enjoy…

Thanks to all Veterans, from the beginning in a small port town in New England, those that fought to keep the union together and free all people, those in the war to end all wars, to the Greatest Generation to end genocide and world domination, Korea, Vietnam, and of course those serving right now against terror. You are the True Heroes and I thank you for your service.

I can only hope your next commander has the same sense of freedom and patriotism. May God Help Us All.

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