How To Improve WordPress Title Tags For Better Results

WordPress is commonly heralded for its out-of-the-box search engine optimization, but one weakness is in its title tag structure.- make sure you change the title tag in your code. Make it relevant, add your main keywords, and keep it targeted for users, not just for the search engine. Google only displays 69 characters, so don’t go keyword crazy on this tag.


In many WordPress themes, the title tag looks something like this:

<title><?php wp_title(); ?><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></title>
<title> &raquo; WordPress Arena.</title>

Improve WordPress Title Tags

Most search engines want specific information—the post title—should come first, then the site name. You can change the order using the following code:

The revised title tag and its output

<title><?php wp_title('|', true, 'right'); ?><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></title>
<title>WordPress Arena |</title>

The wp_title() function prints various things depending on the context. For posts and pages, it prints the title. For categories and tags, it prints the name. On the 404 error page, it prints “Page not found.”

The best option is to write static title tag in HTML format because Search engines love HTML tag. And it will not call any query and reduce the load on the database.

Plugins For Better Title Tag Optimization

1. All in One SEO Pack

All in one SEO pack Plugin will help you to write good title tags and you can easily implement them on your WordPress-powered site.

2. WordPress SEO By Yoast

Yoast SEO Plugin is considered nowadays as Industry standard for big media publishers and bloggers. This is an excellent plugin for getting the most of your WordPress Blog.

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Noor Mustafa Raza
Noor Mustafa Raza
I am a WordPress Developer and Designer, author @WPArena. I am providing Free WordPress consultation and can help you to install WordPress in a secure way to small businesses and bloggers.


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