How To Change Color Of Links In A WordPress Theme

Have you found a WordPress theme that you really liked but one little thing like the color of the links stopped you from using it? It really isn’t that hard to change the color of the links in a WordPress theme.

The theme file you need to edit is the stylesheet or style.css. To edit this, or any of your WordPress theme’s files you need to set the proper file permissions on them on your hosting account. I suggest you just CHMOD the whole wp-content folder to 666 or 777. Or at least the themes folder in the wp-content folder. You could do this with an FTP client too but that will involve a few extra steps.

I prefer editing the files right from within the WordPress dashboard. In the dashboard click Presentation, then Theme Editor. Usually, the first file is the stylesheet and is already open. Make sure by looking to the right and clicking it to open it in the editor. Before you make any changes in here copy all the text and paste it into Notepad or your favorite text editor. This way if things go bad you can restore it real quick. The code you are looking for looks something like this below:

text-decoration: none;

text-decoration: underline;
color: #333;

text-decoration: none;

You can choose to have different colors for regular links, links that have been already visited and when a mouse is hovering over them. You can also choose to “decorate” the links. Just change the color # to any 3 or 6 digit hex color code you want and click update file on the bottom right. View your site and admire your handy work!

Some possible text-decoration:

  • none – Text has no decoration.
  • underline – Text is underlined.
  • overline – Text has a line over it.
  • line-through – Text has a line drawn through it.

Find hex color codes here –> Hex Color Codes or do your own Google search.

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Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff at WPArena is a team of WordPress experts led by Jazib Zaman. Page maintained by Jazib Zaman.


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