There’s a direct correlation between the loading time of your website and the bounce rate; which is the term used...
If you’ve started a business, you need to make sure that the right people are able to find it. Technology...
A great-looking website inspires confidence in your brand and your food while giving you an edge over your competition. It’s...
WordPress is a fantastic tool - it’s free, easy-to-use, and incredibly adaptable. All these benefits mean that it is the...
As we are living in the Internet era, when every information in every aspect of life can be easily found...
Mobile optimization is essential for any WordPress site. We discuss why you need WordPress mobile optimization and how to optimize...
There are many WordPress apps for iOS available in the market, as the WordPress get popular among the mobile technology. But...
WordPress making blogging very easy — and free! A lot happens behind the scenes to make your WordPress blog or...
Alright, this is not a political rant, just stealing the headlines of the day. I don’t expect you to come...