A lot of people who I have installed a WordPress blog for have asked me this same question “Why Should I Upgrade To WordPress 2.3?” My answer so far has always been the same: Don’t!
As of this post this site is still running on version 2.2.1 and after trying to get several of my favorite plugins to work on WordPress version 2.3 I have since given up on it.
What are these plugins that I am hanging on to? Well, the big one is Ultimate Tag Warrior. I know, I know a newer 2.3 compatible version of UTW has been released but I still can’t get the tags page to work on some servers I install on.
The other is Gregarious, I just like the options available for this plugin and have had so many issues on some servers with it and not on others.
So until I can find a few nice stable replacements for these plugins, or until I find out how to get these to work correctly across all hosting accounts. WordPress 2.2.1 is staying on all my blogs. After all, they work fine now and 2.2.1 is doing fine by me on all my blogs, so “if it ain’t broke…”
What do you think of WordPress 2.3.x ???