In 2008, WordPress launched its first version of the WordPress App, and in November 2010, WordPress celebrated more than 1 million mobile users. With emerging Mobile industry and devices such as Apple iPhone, BlackBerry, Nokia, Samsung, HTC, etc… WordPress is expanding their mobile services horizon to capture the potential market.
The world’s leading information technology research and advisory company “Gartner” released a Report:
By 2013, mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common Web access device worldwide. According to Gartner’s PC installed base forecast, the total number of PCs in use will reach 1.78 billion units in 2013. By 2013, the combined installed base of smartphones and browser-equipped enhanced phones will exceed 1.82 billion units and will be greater than the installed base for PCs after that.
During summer holidays, some of the bloggers must be away on vacation and want to add a blog post by using their smartphones. We are going to compile a list of plugins that will pretty much take care of the design aspect of your mobile site, as well a list of WordPress Themes and a service like MobiReady to check your website’s mobile compliance and friendly.
On this site, you can get a free report that provides both a score (from 1 to 5) and in-depth analysis of pages to determine how well your site performs on a mobile device.
Google Analytics
By using Google Analytics tool, you can analyze what mobile devices people are using to view your site. Make the top ones your priority.get from Themeforest and from
Mobile Friendly Premium WordPress Themes
SOFA iBloggr – WordPress iPhone theme
Sofa iBloggr is the very first WordPress theme made exclusively for iPhone and iPod touch devices. It perfectly fits 320px wide screen without the need for screen orientation switch. All other desktop computer Browsers are capable of running this theme with no issues as well!
Mobility WordPress Theme for Web and iPad
Full WordPress 3.2 Compatibility. Mobility is an iPad-ready WordPress theme with finger sliding capabilities and a custom drag-and-drop gallery admin. Both the regular and iPad versions have seven color options and the choice between a single or three-way JavaScript slider on the homepage. The iPad version can switch between portrait and landscape mode upon rotation.
MobiTheme – WordPress Theme for Mobile Devices
MobiTheme is a mobile theme for WordPress. It can be used either as a standalone blog OR in conjunction with one of the many plugins that offer theme switching according to the user’s platform.
Simple Mobile
Simple Mobile is a WordPress theme designed for mobile devices, especially iPhone.
Mobility App WordPress Theme
MobilityAPP by Themefuse is a WordPress theme created specifically for smartphone developers who want to promote their products online using WordPress as their CMS. The theme was created for promoting your iPhone, iPad or Android mobile apps. However, it could be used to promote virtually any product or business online. The design is fantastic and it’s a feature-rich theme.
Obox Mobile WordPress Theme Framework
Obox Mobile is a new WordPress Mobile Theme Framework that will convert your website into a layout that is compatible with mobile devices. As we all know people are starting to use their mobile devices (blackberries, iPads, and iPhones) to browse the web and catch up with their favorite blogs. By not providing people with a mobile version of your website/blog you could potentially miss out on a lot of traffic.
The Developer WP3 Edition
The Developer is a full featured WordPress 3 theme developed for developers looking for a stylish website. The Developer is a clean and elegant design focused on inspiring everyone that come to it.
Fone Deluxe – Premium WordPress Template
fone is a premium WordPress template that is specifically targeted at e-commerce/businesses, especially the selling of iPhone applications. Of course, with tweaking, it can be used for other types of commerce sites. With it’s rotating backgrounds which not only impress your client, it also helps you more possibilities than ever in spreading your message to your client. Show the versatility of your product, or reveal the diverse uses of it. The possibilities are infinite.
iPhone App WordPress Theme
With the iPhone APP WordPress Theme, you can quickly and easily turn your WordPress installation into a professional and elegant website for showcasing your iPhone application(s).
Silicon App Product Showcase WordPress Theme
Silicon App is a really clean and modern WordPress theme that is perfect for selling your Application products online. The theme was built with software apps in mind (such as mobile apps) but could also be used for a standard desktop product.
My App WordPress Theme
My App is a Premium WordPress Theme, developed by Elegant Themes that is ideal for creating an online store to sell your mobile (iPhone) applications. This theme will make it easy to publish and promote your app and it is very clean and elegant.
News Gallery
News Gallery theme is designed with the photography blogger in mind featuring frontpage slideshow, thumbnail picture, and gallery style layout options. It is the perfect choice for image-centric and magazine style WordPress websites.
On Demand iPad
Coupled with On Demand mobile theme, WPtap On Demand iPad provides a fully featured video solution on mobile platforms.
Tap News
Tap News is an iPhone-app style mobile plugin/theme package that instantly converts your WordPress site into a mobile web-application experience. It is specially designed for iPhone/iPod touch, Android, and Blackberry touches mobile device. The theme features elegant iPhone-style sliding layout, and it will truly turn your site into a mobile application. Other features include thumbnail pictures, full support for twitter, social bookmarking, and email.
Mobile Friendly Free WordPress Themes
Carrington Mobile
A mobile-friendly theme for your blog. Best used with (and included with) the WordPress Mobile Edition plugin. Supports basic mobile browsers as well as advanced and touch-screen browsers with a display optimized for each. Built on the Carrington framework.
Dark and colorful theme. 3 skins. Compatible with touch-screen mobile phones: iPhone & iPod Touch, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Palm Pre, Symbian. Widget-ready sidebar. Optional twitter and facebook icons.
WordPress Mobile Theme
Click here to visit Blog Oh Blog
This is a minimalistic theme that can be used by bloggers who want to target mobile phone users. This theme will fit perfectly in all the mobile phones (any resolution) and because of its light weight, will also reduce loading times.
Mobile Friendly WordPress Apps
This video tells you about how to set up your website to work with the iPhone app. The same settings are applicable for all of the mobile apps.
WP Mobile Detector – WordPress Plugin
The WP Mobile Detector allows you to display a mobile theme on WordPress sites to mobile devices in minutes. Simply install the WordPress plugin and activate it. WP Mobile Detector is a WordPress plugin that detects mobile devices and displays a mobile optimized theme specifically for each mobile device.
How to Transforms WordPress blog into an iPhone application-style theme
For readers who find WordPress Mobile Pack’s user experience lacking and are less concerned with a blog that can be browsed in any Nokia device, they will rejoice with WPTouch. WPTouch is an insanely well designed and thought-out plugin that turns your blog into one powerful mobile web app.
WPTouch not only offers an excellent user experience for Android, iPhone, iPad, Palm Pre, and some BlackBerry devices, it also has built-in support for a bunch of popular WordPress plugins for Caching, Tweeting, and more.
WP Mobile Pack
The WordPress Mobile pack is a complete mobile toolkit. It includes a mobile switcher, mobile themes, and mobile admin. The switcher identifies whether you are visiting on a mobile or not and if you are serving up one of the mobile themes.
This video is from Mobile Active, explaining how to Set up WordPress Mobile Pack:
MobilePress is a free WordPress plugin which turns your WordPress blog into a mobile friendly blog when viewed on a cell phone. MobilePress also allows you to create custom mobile themes for different handheld devices and mobile browsers such as the iPhone, Opera Mini, and Windows Mobile.
For Mobile Site Administrators
These are a mobile friendly WordPress Admin Panel for administration. This will allow you to manage comments and create new posts using your mobile device.
WordPress for iPhone
It’s a whole new WordPress for a whole new platform. WordPress for iOS is now optimized to take advantage of the iPad’s new user interface, making blogging even easier than ever before. Download it from the App Store today.
WordPress for Blackberry
Official WordPress for BlackBerry app allows you to write posts, upload photos and videos, edit pages, and manage comments. Both and self-hosted WordPress (2.7 or higher) sites are supported.
WordPress for Android
WordPress for Android is an Open Source app that empowers you to write new posts, edit content, and manage comments with built-in notifications. Download it now and get blogging in no time.
WordPress for Nokia
WordPress for Nokia allows you to edit your existing blog content, add new posts and pages, manage comments, and more — directly from your S60 or Maemo-powered Nokia.
WordPress for Windows Phone 7
WordPress for Windows Phone 7 makes it easy to manage your blog or website while on the move. Writing and editing Posts and Pages is a breeze, as well as being able to moderate comments and check statistics quickly. And it’s all made to get you in and out quickly.
Appnx – Create an iPhone App using a web CMS
Like the title says, Appnx is an engine that allows you to create an iPhone app using a web CMS.
You can create from a simple app with text pages to complete app (like the demo includes the installation) with submenus, maps, Twitter, Facebook, Email form, multilingual support and more…
JukeApp: An iPhone Music Player Plugin
JukeApp is a plug-and-play music player for iOS SDK applications. It is perfect for bands or musicians who wish to bring their music to a mobile audience. It is also a great plugin for demoing audio books or other sound clip collections.
Wapple Architect Mobile Plugin for WordPress
Wapple Architect Mobile Plugin for WordPress is a plugin that allows you to mobilize your blog in minutes.
Every single mobile device is detected and all aspects of your blog are tailored to the visiting handset. Sites aren’t dumbed down to the lowest common denominator but instead use the features and functionality that advanced phones offer.
BuddyPress Mobile
Mobile BuddyPress theme optimized for viewing on iPhone, iPod touch. Will also work on Android and some Blackberry devices. Activate, and the plugin will detect mobile devices and use the BuddyPress Mobile theme.
Wrap up:
Hope, you enjoyed the lists above. Making mobile friendly sites on WordPress isn’t an issue in this World class technology world. You just have to find a way out, and we almost covered all of the available items. If you think, we had missed an important product, let us know in the comments section below.