42+ Multi-Blogging Websites Powered By WordPress Multisite


WordPress Mu allows you to run your own site in the vein of WordPress.com. It is ideal for people who want to run multiple blogs or who want to offer blog hosting services to their users. This post is the collection of multi-blogging websites powered by WordPress Multisite.

You may be wondering why you would use WordPress Multisite to run several blogs on the same domain, instead of just installing a new blog each time. Well, with WordPress Multisite, all the blogs are stored in the same database and all of the blogs run off on one install. This means you only have to update one install when new versions are released and, when it comes to editing source code or uploading plugins, you only have to do those jobs once.

Most WordPress plugins, widgets, and themes are compatible with WordPress Multisite, so you have a huge range of designs and features available to you, as well as the option of coding your own designs and features if you are a skilled programmer or designer.

WordPress Multisite is a part of WordPress Core.

The Official Help Channels Are:

WordPress Multisite features include:

  1. Unlimited blogs
  2. Unlimited authors on each blog
  3. Each user can have more than one blog(or none at all!)
  4. Users can have different roles on different blogs
  5. Blogs can have different plugins and different themes
  6. Blogs can be hosted on subdomains or in subdirectories

So Build your own blog network with unlimited users and blogs, forums, photo galleries, and more! and Get inspired from the following websites which are using WordPress Multisite.

1. University of Maine


UMaine.edu uses WordPress Multisite as a customizable CMS and branding engine for the various departments and units that make up the whole of UMaine. The web development team is continuously creating new plugins and modifying appropriately licensed plug-ins to further the goals of UMaine’s online presence.

2. Comedy.com


In addition to being a hugely popular website, Comedy.com uses WordPress MU to pull the content from all of its various blogs onto the site’s homepage.

3. Contexts Magazine


For an academic audience and publishers, contexts.org is a bold step in taking a traditional publication online and expanding its mission to include blogging. For non-academics, contexts.org is a leading portal to learn about how sociologists approach the world. The site host blogs on media and culture, politics and technology, data and graphic design, and more.

4. Best Buy


Best Buy uses WordPress Multisite to power 1050 local store blogs, empowering more than 1m500 store associates to blog about store location data, events, announcements, and happenings. Using WordPress, Best Buy has been able to aggregate important store data and pass it back to key enterprise applications via custom web services. Best Buy also uses WordPress’ theme capabilities to experiment with Microformats, RDFa and RDF.

5. Goochland County Schools

A small school district embracing blogging and giving its teachers a way to communicate with students and parents through blogging is an excellent use of WordPress Multisite in education.

6. Wall Street Journal’s Speakeasy Blog

A culture blog from The Wall Street Journal about media, entertainment, celebrities, and the arts.

7. BGSU Blogs


BGSU is one of a growing number of universities using WordPress Multisite to offer a free blog to any interested student, faculty, or staff member.

8. StarTribune.com Blogs


The Star Tribune’s foray into blogging with WordPress Multisite is significant because of the size of the newspaper and the number of well-maintained blogs that are part of the newspaper’s blog network.

9. AMD Blogs


AMD use of WordPress Multisite to power a variety of employee-written blogs is a great example of a major company using blogging to reach out to its customers and developer community.

10. Hypebeast


Hypebeast is a well-designed, content-rich street fashion resource. The site uses the best of what WordPress and WordPress Multisite has to offer to provide great content to hundreds of thousands of readers through more than 35 individual blogs and a wide variety of featured articles.

11. WannaNetwork.com


WannaNetwork.com uses WordPress Multisite, bbPress, and BuddyPress to easily power a comprehensive and seamless professional networking site.

12. NY Times Blogs


The New York Times is one of the nation’s largest and most respected newspapers and its blogs are both well-written and popular.

13. Atlanta Journal-Constitution Blogs

The AJC Blogs site uses WordPress Multisite to power approximately 50 blogs covering everything from American Idol to Atlanta-area sports.

14. Metblogs


Metroblogging is the world’s largest network of the city focused blogs, covering local issues in over 50 cities around the world.

15. Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship


Any university embracing WordPress and blogging is notable and Boston College’s implementation of WordPress is well done.

16. America.gov Blogs


America.gov delivers information about current U.S. foreign policy and about American life and culture. It is produced by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Information Programs.

17. Getshopped


Getshopped is a modern website builder based on WordPress Multisite.

18. UMW Blogs


A publishing platform for the University of Mary Washington community.

19. Institute of Network Cultures


The Institute of Network Cultures is a media research center that actively contributes to the field of network cultures through research, events, publications and online dialogue.

20. The University Of British Columbia

The University Of British Columbia

UBC Blogs is an e-Learning initiative being spearheaded by the Office of Learning Technology at The University Of British Columbia.

21. Crikey Blogs


Crikey is an independent media, arts, and politics news site in Australia. The network is home to two of Australia’s most popular political bloggers, as well as the blog of former Australian senator Andrew Bartlett.

22. Azusa Pacific University


Azusa Pacific University is a private, evangelical Christian university located near in Azusa, California, located 25 miles outside of Los Angeles.

23. Wikiroma


A blog network about the city of Rome.

24. Bloghost.cl


25. die tageszeitung


Writers and bloggers from die tageszeitung (also known as taz), a cooperative-owned German daily newspaper that was founded in Berlin in 1978.

26. Foreign Policy Blogs


Foreign Policy Blogs is a fast-growing network of blogs on global issues hosted by the Foreign Policy Association. Currently, you will find the most recent posts from our team of Great Decisions Bloggers for 2007, featuring the Middle East, Climate Change, Mexico, Migration, South Africa, War Crimes, Central Asia and Children’s Rights. We’ve also added an Election 2008 blog that is monitoring foreign policy issues related to the Democratic and Republic primary contests for the 2008 U.S. presidential election. Stay tuned for 2008 Great Decisions blogs on Iraq, the European Union, U.S. Diplomacy, Russia, U.S. Defense Policy, Latin America, U.S.-China Trade and Philanthropy.

27. b5media


b5media Inc. is a global new media network featuring a wide variety of topics ranging from entertainment and lifestyles to sports and technology. One of the largest blog networks in the world, b5media reaches nearly 10 million unique visitors and receives 30 million page views per month.

28. University of Calgary

A publishing platform for the academic community of the University of Calgary.

29. Animation Blogspot


Welcome to Animation Blogspot, a free blogging service for animation, visual effects, gaming and digital art communities.

30. MyBabyOurBaby


Sure, plenty of other sites allow parents to create online scrapbooks and keepsake photo albums, but no other site makes it easier for busy parents to collect and organize memories from invited family members and friends.

31. University of Berlin


Universities and other educational institutions do not live as a wide variety of international contacts with other universities and organizations, research and teaching crucial momentum. Blogs offer in this context a contemporary way, and scientific contacts at the individual level to maintain, intensify and expand.

32. Harvard Law


Weblogs at Harvard Law is provided by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School as a free service to the Harvard community. Anyone with an email address at harvard.edu, radcliffe.edu, or hbs.edu can sign up instantly and be blogging in minutes.

33. The Times


You’ve come to the right place for the best blogs from columnists, special guests and staff writers at The Times…

34. Financial Mail


Financial Mail brings to the blogosphere what Picasso brought to the arts, a new way of thinking. Be sure to subscribe to our feeds and read what our bloggers have to say.

35. University of South Florida


blog@USF is a weblog hosting system for users with email accounts on mail.usf.edu. It’s easy to setup and easy to use. Just click on “Create a blog” to get started!

36. Flokka


flokka is also a community for women who want to make a difference… who want to influence positive change in their sphere of business, family and community lives… flokka gives you the platform to be heard, enter conversations and create dialogue.

37. University of Melbourne


Personal staff and student blogs at University of Melbourne

38. Le Monde Newspaper


1st information site. Newspaper articles and the continuous news: International, France, society, economy, culture

39. Edublogs


Edublogs hosts hundreds of thousands of blogs for teachers, students, researchers, professors, librarians, administrators and anyone and everyone else involved in education.

40. Reuters Blogs


We combine industry expertise with innovative technology to deliver critical information to leading decision makers in the financial, legal, tax and accounting, scientific, healthcare and media markets, powered by the world’s most trusted news organization.

41. The Wall Street Journal Law Blog


WSJ.com on law and business and the business of law.

42. The Mozilla Blog


News, notes and ramblings from the Mozilla project – The Mozilla project is a global community of people who believe that openness, innovation, and opportunity are key to the continued health of the Internet. Since 1998, we’ve worked to ensure that the Internet is developed in a way that benefits everyone.

43. ChickSpeak


ChickSpeak is an organization for young women created to inspire Big Dreams, Strong Values and Success in the world.

Wrap Up

Hope, you enjoyed the above list of awesome multi-blogging websites powered by WordPress Multisite. WordPress Multisite can be used for many purposes and if you are using it in a great way, don’t forget to share your website in the comments section below.


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Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff at WPArena is a team of WordPress experts led by Jazib Zaman. Page maintained by Jazib Zaman.



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